Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The funeral SG advertisement

1) Why did they chose mixed race couple?
They wanted to show us that Singapore also allows mixed race couple as Singapore is a multi racial country. This advertisement shows us that even a mixed race couple can get along well. They wanted to tell us to cherish your loved ones regardless of race and do not care what other people said about it.

2) Why did he only concentrate on the bad traits?
Even though he have some bad traits, she also love that about him. She wanted to tell everyone that even the bad traits can let you remember about them. She wanted us to know that not everyone is perfect. Everyone of us have our own habits and she enjoyed the bad habits of her husband as it tells her that he is still alive.

3) Do you think the advertisement is effective, to promote family value?
 I think this advertisement is effective as it tells us to cherish your love ones even though they are not by your side any more. Even though her husband passed away, she did not say her prayers nor his good traits. She shared all the bad things about him and tell everyone that even her husband is imperfect. This does not mean that she don't care about her husband. Even though you cannot see him or her any more, they will still be by your side.

Monday, August 29, 2011

My favourite character

The thing that I like about this character is that he cares about his friends and thinks that they are all more valuable than his life. Even though he does things in a stupid way and does not think about the result of doing things, he will always keep on trying until he defeated the enemy he faces. He wears a straw hat which he received from a pirate friend and he always believe that one day, he will be the pirate king. He his a man that ate a devil fruit and turns into a rubber man. If any of his friends faces dangers, he will not hesitate to save them even though he were to start a war with the government.

I am different from this character as he is a pirate, he fights for his friend without thinking and he supernatural abilities. Even though he is a pirate, his crews is different as he does not go around and harm people without a good reason. He does not cause trouble to the town such as stealing things but he did cause trouble when he was very young. Even though he is different from most other pirates, the world government still think that he is a trouble maker and a threat to them. His name is luffy from One Piece

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Unseen passages

Unseen passages are quite tough if you do not understand the meaning of the passage. First of all, you will need to understand what the writer is trying the say and you must try to identify the literary devices used in the unseen texts. In the end, the reader must give personal responses in order to make sure that the reader really understands the passage. That is an important way to make sure that we can understand the passages. Once you understand the meaning of the unseen text, it will not be as tough as before and answering the questions would be easier.

Romeo and Juliet performances.

Literature performances are interesting but kind of hard to act out as acting is not my type. The most frustrating thing for the act to me is to memorize the lines. Sometimes it take so long for me to get that particular sentences in my mind that I felt like giving up. In the end, I still managed to memorize all the lines. 

Although memorizing the lines are quite difficult, a new challenge still came by which is acting. I am not sure how I should move during the act or how the character should be acting during the play. Even though I tried not to be stiff during the act, but I am still not sure how I should move to make sure that I am not that stiff. 

In the end, the most important thing that I know is teamwork. Without teamwork or even without meeting will affect how you will act during the real test. No one will know how to move in or out because there is no communication and without that, everyone will be nervous and will not know what to do next. I am  glad that my team is still manageable and we tried our best to put on a good act together as a team.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


What is "Macbeth" about?
Act one scene one is about three infamous witches of Macbeth make their first appearance as they make convoluted conversation with each other amidst terrifying thunder and lightning.

As for act one scene two, King Duncan, his sons Malcolm and Donalbain and the nobleman Lennox meet with a bleeding captain who recounts the details of the aforementioned battle.  Malcolm bids the captain, who valiantly fought in the battle, to tell the king the present state of affairs.  He says that the rebel Macdonwald swarmed the battlefield with his men, who claimed nativity from far-off places like the Western Isles. But brave Macbeth killed Macdonwald without letting him bade farewell. After a fight with the rebels, the Norwegian king began a fresh assault with more men and supplies. Macbeth and Banquo continues to fight twice as hard. The worthy Thane of Ross came and said that the Norwegian king wants a treaty. The thane of Cawdor betrayed the king and Macbeth was given the title of thane of Cawdor. The Norwegian king was to pay $10000 and retreat before he could bury his men.

Pick your favourite character. Justify.
My favourite character is King Duncan. He is a cheerful king and acknowledge people when they are good at something. He also think about Macbeth and thought that he would not betray him, thus Macbeth was given the thane of Cawdor.
What can you learn form "Macbeth"?
 From this story, I can learn about what is loyalty and what is betrayal. People can sometimes get influenced easily and they will regret for what they did before.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Macbeth and comic strips

During our literature lessons, I learn about what happened in the story of Macbeth in act 1 scene 2. The interesting thing that I learn during literature lesson is that the way William Shakespeare writes contains 10 syllables in every line. The story Macbeth talks about the captains fighting in a war. Malcolm reported to King Duncan about the brave sergeant, which is Macbeth. The captain then tells what happened in the war and what happened to Macdonwald, the villainous rebel. Macbeth chopped his way through Macdonwald and split him open from his navel to his jawbone and stuck his head on their castle walls. As soon as this is over, another war approached with the Norwegian king. King Duncan meets with the captains from war and they won the second war. Ross then came in the scene and said that she is from the Norwegian. Norwegian king wants a treaty and he could not bury his men until he retreats and pay $10000.

That is the story of act 1 scene 2. We are supposed to draw a comic strip about act 1 scene 2 and we are to only draw the important parts of the story. I wanted to find out more about the story of Macbeth and how to draw a good comic strip.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Believe it or not?

At the previous lesson, we are supposed to write something. This is the question.
Has there ever been a time in your life when someone told you that something improbable would happen and it did? Did the fact that the even was "predicted" cause you to behave differently that you would have otherwise and make it more likely for the event to occur? Or did the event simply seem to occur without any assistance from you?
Recall what had happened and include your feelings when you heard the event predicted and when it occurred.
This is how my story goes.
When I was walking back home, I saw a suspicious looking old man dressed in black kept following me. Then, he suddenly appeared in front of me and said," You will get A1 for all of your subjects and you will receive something surprising from your mother." I felt shocked and surprised. I almost faint as he suddenly popped up in front of me. Before I get to ask him anything, he disappeared without a trace. I did not believe what that old man said at first. He must be crazy! I thought of what he says is just a joke. The next day when I got back all my test papers, I was shocked to see that I got A1 for all my subjects. I usually get F9 for all my subjects. I was shocked and noticed that the old man's prediction were true. I wonder what my parents will give me as a reward. I am very excited and eager to get my reward. While I was on my way home, the old man came to me again and said," You will have good luck on your way home but something unexpected will happen to you." As the old man says I have good luck on my way back home, I decided to walk home slowly and I was still eager to find out what unexpected things will happen to me. On my way home, I picked up an iPhone and one hundred dollars! Then, I saw my mother and I approached her. I told her that I got A1 for every subject but she did not believe me. I showed her all my test papers and she thought that I actually cheated. When we reached home, my reward is getting caned by my mother, just as the old man predicted. Next time when I see that old man again, I would not want to hear anything predicted by him again.